
How To Clean Candle Wax Off Vinyl Floor

Waxing is a dandy mode to protect vinyl and linoleum floors from wear and scratches and keep their smoothen looking fresh. Notwithstanding, with regular application, the wax starts to build up and over time, it ages and turns yellowish-brown, making the floor look wearisome and dirty.

So, how do you remedy this, y'all ask? Well, past stripping the onetime wax before waxing again. Beneath are step-by-footstep instructions on how to remove wax from vinyl and linoleum floors.

8 Steps to Remove Wax From Vinyl Flooring

Yous will need:

  • Sponge mop: Use this to soak the flooring.
  • Water: Become half dozen gallons of clean, hot h2o.
  • Dishwashing detergent: Get 1 cup of balmy, not-bleaching dishwashing pulverisation.
  • Scrub brush: Use ane with soft bristles.
  • A slice of material: You can use old rags or towels; just make sure they are clean.
  • Saucepan: Use the ordinary cleaning saucepan.
  • Ammonia: Get 2 cups of household ammonia (ammonium hydroxide).
  • Club soda: Employ this to get rid of stubborn wax.
  • Flooring smoothen stripper: Buy one fabricated for vinyl.
  • Stirrer stick: Any plastic stirrer will exercise.
  • Safety gloves: These will protect your easily from cleaning chemicals.

Stride 1: Articulate the Area

Clear the Area

Before y'all commencement, consider removing whatsoever obstacles that may prevent you from reaching all the areas of the floor. These may include furniture, appliances, or fifty-fifty huge indoor plants that you may have potted on the floor. It's besides important that you lot have your doors and windows open to allow for air circulation.

Step two: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Pour two gallons of hot h2o into a bucket and add ii cups of ammonia. So stir the solution to get everything to alloy nicely together.

Step iii: Soak the Flooring

Soak the Floor

Dip a sponge mop into the cleaning solution and go over the floor to get it wet. Leave the solution to sit for about seven minutes, and then gently scrub with the scrubber border of your mop to remove wax from the vinyl. If your mop doesn't have a scrubber, employ a scrub castor. Scrub every area of the room, paying more attention to corners and the baseboard trim.

Step 4: Rinse the Flooring

Rinse the Floor

Cascade two gallons of hot water into another saucepan and scrub the floor again to go rid of whatever remaining wax. Do not add any cleaning products this time. If you lot got near of the wax out the start time, clear water should be able to remove the remaining wax.

Pace 5: Dry the Flooring

Dry the Floor

Utilise clean rags or towels to dry the vinyl or just let the floor dry on its ain. The problem with leaving the flooring to airdry is that yous may not be able to spot areas that need rescrubbing until it is completely dry. Drying with a textile makes the cleaning procedure move much quicker because you will identify spots that withal need scrubbing fast enough.

Step 6: Endeavour Ammonia and Dishwashing Detergent

Try Ammonia and Dishwashing Detergent

Examine your dry out floor. If information technology still has wax, try combining ammonia with dishwashing soap. Pour two gallons of hot water into a saucepan and add a half cup of ammonia and 1 cup of mild, non-bleaching dishwashing pulverisation.

Apply this solution to mop over your vinyl flooring. Let information technology sit for about fifteen minutes to consume through and soften the wax. Then use a clean old towel to dry the floor. Do non exist afraid to echo the process until all the wax has completely been removed from the floor.

Stride seven: Use Society Soda

Use Club Soda

Social club soda may assist y'all get rid of any remaining wax from your vinyl flooring. Pour it straight on any stubborn wax and let soak for almost vii minutes. Then scrub with a brush and wipe dry.

Step eight: Attempt Floor Shine Stripper

Try Floor Polish Stripper

If all else fails, effort a chemical floor smooth remover. Brand certain to employ 1 specifically designed for vinyl to avoid damaging your floor.

Utilize a pocket-sized corporeality of the product over the wax and let sit for most ten minutes or as directed past the manufacturer before scrubbing with a castor.

Rinse the product thoroughly and wipe the area dry with a make clean rag. Repeat the procedure until all the wax is gone.

four Steps to Remove Wax From Linoleum Flooring

You will need:

  • Distilled white vinegar: While you can use any blazon of vinegar to remove wax from floors, distilled white vinegar is the most recommended for linoleum.
  • Cream of tartar: This tin be found in whatsoever big box shop. Sometimes it will exist labeled potassium bitartrate.
  • Bucket: Use your normal cleaning bucket.
  • Stirrer: This tin can be anything that can mix up your cleaning ingredients, including a long spatula.
  • Nylon scrub pad: Depending on the quality of the pad, how big the floor is, and how thick the wax buildup is, you may need two to 3 pieces of these (sometimes more).
  • Sponge mop: Use this to employ the cleaning solution to the floor.
  • Clean rag: Get a clean rag or sponge.
  • Isopropyl alcohol: Apply this to remove stubborn wax.
  • Water: Go make clean, warm water.
  • Protective gloves: Use loftier-quality rubber gloves.

Pace 1: Clear the Floor Area

Clear the Floor Area

You want to reach even the hidden areas of the floor, so move obstacles similar furniture and appliances to a dissimilar room. Go along the room well-ventilated too.

Step 2: Prep Your Cleaning Solution

Prep Your Cleaning Solution

Put one gallon of white distilled vinegar in a clean bucket and add 1 cup of cream of tartar. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the tartar has dissolved.

Step 3: Scrub the Flooring

Scrub the Floor

Dip your sponge mop into the cleaning solution and use information technology to apply the solution to the floor. Let sit for about 5 minutes and then scrub the floor using the scrubber border of the mop or a soft-bristled brush.

Scrub sections almost the baseboards and whatsoever other area that has stubborn wax with a nylon scrubbing pad. Use a wet piece of cloth to rinse the floor.

Step 4: Effort Isopropyl Alcohol

Try Isopropyl Alcohol

If the higher up doesn't work, mix one part of isopropyl alcohol with 3 parts of h2o. Then, dip a nylon sponge or scrubbing castor into the solution and gently rub over the sections that withal accept wax. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and wipe dry with a clammy rag.

Additional Tips for Removing Wax From Vinyl and Linoleum Floors

  • Keep your doors and windows open up when cleaning your floor. Not only will it continue you from inhaling fumes from your cleaning chemicals but also help the floor to dry chop-chop.
  • If you are using shop-bought cleaning products, make certain to read the directions for awarding carefully and then you can use them correctly. Reading the package will too aid yous find out if yous need special protective gear like a mask or goggles.
  • Wear rubber gloves while scrubbing the floor or disposing of any rags or towels yous used to rinse and dry the room. Information technology will keep your hands from getting into contact with any harmful chemicals that may be released past your cleaning agents or the floor itself.
  • Before disposing of your old rags and nylon scrub pads at a hazardous waste disposal site, soak them in make clean h2o and put them in a sealed container.
  • Sometimes information technology helps to sweep up the floor before starting the wax removal process. Even if it won't get the wax out, at least you will be able to go rid of whatever loose dirt, grit, and debris that may get stuck on the mop.
  • Before using any off-the-shelf floor cleaning product, make sure it is safe to apply with your flooring. Yous may want to do a spot check in a small hidden expanse merely to be certain that the product doesn't discolor or damage your floor.
  • Make a habit of removing wax buildup from your vinyl or linoleum flooring several times a twelvemonth and then the buildup doesn't get too thick. The heavier the buildup gets, the more challenging it becomes for you to completely go rid of it.
  • Afterward you have removed wax from your flooring and advisedly cleaned and dry out it, yous will probably want to apply a new coat of wax to protect the floor and requite it a polish.

Keep in mind that once the new layer has been added, you won't be able to clean beneath the wax again. Any cleaner you utilize from that point onward will combine with the wax and volition slowly build upwards. Brand sure to remove wax buildup at least 3 times a year to keep your flooring looking its best.

The Takeaway

Wax buildup is a common problem in many homes with waxed vinyl or linoleum flooring. The adept news? With simple ingredients from your household or the convenience store, you can be able to go rid of this wax quickly.

If you are going to use off-the-shelf wax removers, nonetheless, make certain to read the bundle instructions first to detect out whether the product can be used on your specific flooring. For best results, remove wax buildup several times a year.


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